Social Responsibility
Lange Trinidad Limited is committed to contributing to the social development of Trinidad and Tobago, ensuring a brighter future for all. To that end Lange has selected two NGO’s to partner with; one local and one international organization both local interests: the Living Water Community and the United Way. These two organizations contribute to the welfare of the residents of Trinidad and Tobago in meaningful ways.

Living Water Community
Registered in Port of Spain in 1981, Living Water Community is a non-profit, charitable organization working to alleviate some of the social problems affecting Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean.
Founded in 1975 by Rhonda Maingot and Rose Jackman, the organization has grown to include 500 members and has established missions in the Netherlands Antilles of Saba and St Eustasius, St Lucia and Barbados. It also networks and supports 383 Community-Based Organisations and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO’s).
Living Water Community has a wide outreach assisting a cross-section of the various populations irrespective of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability, and social background. Its raison d’être is to reach out to the marginalized and dispossessed. The organization currently has 11 ministries including a cancer hospice, an HIV hospice, and facilities for the homeless.

United Way Trinidad & Tobago
UWTT is a non-profit organisation which raises charitable donations from companies and individuals, and channels these funds to NGOs which deliver critical social services to citizens in need.
Established under the auspices of United Way International, UWTT is dedicated to the advancement and upliftment of society. UWTT works with and supports a variety of local NGOs which serve Trinidad and Tobago in a multitude of ways from providing shelters to advocacy groups. The UWTT's priority areas for funding are: family life, youth skills development and education, children at risk and elder care.